
Saturday 30 July 2016



I have been playing around with blogs/social media for years now and never really settled on a blog site, I have always gone back and forth to different sites making promises to myself and people reading my blog that I will keep up with it but never did. As one of my assignments for university I had to create a blog and write about my other assignments. I am not happy with the site they had advised us to use so here I am.

As a project over the summer we were told to study utopia and create our own perfect world. Taking on this project I bought two books The Utopia Experiment by Dylan Evans and Utopia by Thomas More. I have read up to chapter three of The Utopia Experiment as it have proven to be a bit of a difficult read but has given some interesting thoughts about what utopia is. 

I've been thinking about my own utopia, my own perfect world but I just don't know. Being able to control your own world and creating all it's little nooks and crannies is big job if you take it literally. 

-But to start I think my own utopia would be a quiet town, with friendly people, there would be no brands and only independent stores. There would be loads of fir tress everywhere and it would snow a lot. 

Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my other social media

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